The "evil eye" is a symbol and concept that is found in many cultures throughout the world, particularly in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions. I was fortunate to spend some time in Southern Turkey many years ago, teaching yoga on the beach near the Bodrum area.
Many of my memories of this time are filled with the symbol of the blue evil eye that is worn and adorns homes all around Turkey.
To protect against the evil eye, cultures have developed various traditions and practices over time.
- The "evil eye" or "nazar" is a well-known symbol and concept in Turkish culture, which is often used to ward off negative energy and protect against misfortune. The symbol takes the form of a blue, circular eye with a white iris and black pupil, and is commonly seen in the form of jewelry, wall hangings, and other decorative items.
- The belief in the evil eye has its roots in ancient Turkish folklore and mythology, and is also found in other cultures throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East regions. According to this belief, jealousy and envy can cause harm and bring bad luck to others, and the evil eye is used as a means of protection against these negative forces.
- The evil eye is often depicted as a single eye, which is sometimes confused with the all-seeing eye symbol discussed in the previous question. However, the two symbols are distinct and have different meanings and origins.
Overall, the evil eye is a significant symbol and concept in Turkish culture, and is often used in everyday life as a means of protection and good luck.
Check out these Yoga Mat Purses, with eye patterns: