Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

In the northern hemisphere, we're about to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Our friends and family in the Southern hemisphere are celebrating the Summer Solstice.
Today is natures gift to us, a milestone that our ancestors honored and respected. A milestone that reminds us to pause.
In the northern hemisphere we can take a moment to pause, to consider the darkness as a gift. Perhaps to honor our shadow work or to take this time of year to rest and recuperate, as much of nature is right now.
It's the Winter Solstice that reminds us to be present today, the "shortest day /longest night of the year" is an invitation to sit in our own darkness as we are reminded that without knowing the dark,  we would not recognise the light. Knowing that no matter what our external world looks like, the light inside us shines bright.
Our friends and family in the Southern hemisphere wake up to the longest day of the year. Where nature is in full bloom after a season of rest. Where the seeds and ideas planted during the winter are full of life.
During the Winter Solstice, perhaps if possible take a moment of pause. Invite your inner light and inner wisdom to suggest what seeds and ideas you need to plant. Invite your inner light to illuminate the ideas so that they will start to germinate and appear ready for the next solstice cycle.
Om Shanti.